I can't believe that Cole is already 9 months old, time is just going by way to fast. He is now crawling every where, pulling himself up and walking around furniture. He'll even stand all by himself, he did take a couple of steps while we were on vacation but has yet to want to do it again. He definitely has a mind of his own, as he is getting older I have discovered that he is very stubborn child.
I love to watch him crawl after his big brothers trying to keep up with them, I'm afraid he'll be bored once they are in school. Coles favorite person is his daddy, his face just lights up when he hears Daves voice and he gets all excited when Dave comes in the room. He can't get to daddy fast enough!
This little guy sure keeps me on my toes we have to keep all the doors to the bathrooms closed otherwise we will find him in there either playing in the toilet, the trash can or unrolling the toilet paper. He loves to be busy!