Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I can't believe that Cole is now 7 1/2 months old! He has just started crawling, which I love but then again I don't. I miss being able to put him down and know that when I come back he'll be in the same spot. But then again it's so fun to watch him learn to do new things, Jaden and Ty didn't crawl this early so I was hoping I had more time to baby proof the house. He has also gotten in his two bottom teeth and he has started pulling himself up on what ever he can find. Jaden and Ty get so worried when they find him standing up next to something, they hate it when he falls down. They're so worried that he's going to get hurt, which every once in awhile he does fall and bonk his head, but hey that's part of the learning process. He gets over it pretty quickly and is back pulling himself up.
He is such a happy kid all the time, at night I hate putting him to bed because he's so full of smiles. I just want to sit and play with him.

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