I can't believe that the summer is over and school has started again. Jaden and Ty were both excited for it to start, finally Ty would be at the same school as Jaden. The week didn't start off so well though, Ty had been complaining that his ear had been hurting for a couple of days and we had been treating him for swimmers ear but it wasn't getting any better. Monday morning it's still hurting and we had meat the teacher day, so we go to the school and meet the kids teachers. Jaden is showing Ty where everything is and playing with his friends but Ty just isn't acting like himself. His poor ear was just getting worse, so that night we ended up taking him to good night pediatrics, they got us right in and tell me he has a double ear infection. I felt horrible, so we go get his prescriptions filled and start him on the antibiotics hoping that he'll be feeling better for his first official day of school.
Tuesday morning he wakes up and his ear is still feeling bad, but we talk him into going to his first day. Normally I wouldn't make him go when he's not feeling well, but at the school he goes to the first day of school is the only day that they let the parents come in and get them settled and see them off to class. So I really wanted him to go so that I could get him settled and make sure he understood what would be going on each morning. They sit by classes so it's not like Jaden could really help him out. It was so sad to see him sitting there not feeling well and he has this deer in headlights look on his face. It's total chaos, the principal and teachers are trying to get the kids under control, the principal is telling the parents how this where they have to leave there kids and that their not to be following them to their classes or else the kids will be sent home with their parents. So it was a bit unnerving, but after it was all said and done he made it to class safe and sound. And when I picked him up at the end of the day he said he had a ton of fun.
I have probably not painted a very good picture of this school, but I must say that I really do love it there. The Principal is a little crazy, but the kids seem to like her and the education they receive is worth putting up with a few frustrations.
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