Wednesday, March 11, 2009

4 Months

Cole is now 4 months old and he's doing great. The doctors had been a little worried that he could have suffered some brain damage when he was in the hospital. But as of right now he is right on track for his age, he's rolling over , grabbing for toys and interacting with all of us. He is such a happy little baby always smiling and laughing. He also knows what he likes and doesn't like and where he wants to go. I love the fact that he is becoming active, the older my kids get the more fun I have.Here's his stats at 4 months
Weight 15.13 lbs 75 percentile

Height 26in 75 percentile

The Doc says that i'm allowed to take him out shopping with me now. I just need to avoid places where he could come in close contact with people. So i'm excited to get out of the house and feel like a normal person again.


K&S said...

Yay! That's great and sounds like he is doing well. I'm happy for you!

AMS said...

So happy to hear that everything is looking good for him... and you! He sure is a cutie!

Nancy said...

I'm so glad! All your boys are super cute and smart!